Saturday, March 27, 2010

April Showers.... Part II - Butterfly Gardens

The next day I decided it was time to start my garden.  Every participant was sent home with a goodie bag filled with vegetable and herb seeds.  Besides, the magnolia has been thinned out so sun can actually bathe that side of my yard and house so the timing is right.  Perfect!  I have seeds left over from last years attempt, which I am proud to say resulted in a few months of tomatoes, bushels of basil, three salads worth of lettuce and one single round cucumber. 

So where to start?  I decided to take it slow this year and start with the herbs.  Container gardening for me is ideal right now at this juncture of my life. 

April Showers.... Part I

On February 20th, a friend invited me to join her for a workshop called Rooting DC 2010 at the Historical Society of Washington, DC.  We dropped off my littleest son around 10:30-ish at the very fun-looking, all-smiles, Wiggle Wonders romper room for the day and set our minds to make some big decisions:  Starting Seeds Indoors or Vegetales en Macetas?  We settled on coffee and to skip the first workshop session so we could thaw out.