Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Feed Your Spirit

I’ve been finding so many different people and different ways to explore healing, its blowing my mind!  I want to try it all... and then I get stuck.  Too much of a good thing, I’m thinking.  I mean, even too much laughing can kill you.  So I’ve had to slow down my search and retreat to my core to find balance and direction.  I believe there is something for everyone.  I want to represent it all here in this blog so that people can discover their options.  But how can I explore without losing myself?

 My husband and I have "spirit talks," a weekly talk about where we are in our spiritual walk.  This is always prompted by him as he likes to do the verbal exploration.  I tend to do more writing about my growth and discoveries.  Since I practice Christianity and he practices Buddhism I think we get something different when we share with one another.  I believe that when we talk about our revelations, we feed each other’s spirit, therefore bringing forth an opportunity to heal areas of ourselves and our relationships.  We hear each other out and through many differences, there is usually a huge common denominator.  Last night it was, if it ain’t good for your spirit, don’t do it.   

This has actually been an ongoing theme for my husband as he started off last year questioning the difference between spirit and soul.  I can’t remember the specifics of the discussion, and I’m not sure I can succinctly resurrect our definitions.  However, we did decide there is a difference for sure.  Spirit is the energy of the body, mind and soul.  Energy creates the existence of a physical being.  Soul is the consciousness, the flavor of your being, your connection with others, with art... with God. 

What ever you eat can give you a healthy body or an unhealthy body, right?  So what ever you feed your spirit can give you a healthy life or an unhealthy life, is the conclusion we’ve come up it.  It may seem obvious to some, but I think when you take the metaphysical out of spirit and apply it to science or to the tangible, you’ll find a deeper understanding of the presence and importance of energy/spirit to your daily being.  People readily associate spirit with believing in God, Buddha, a higher life force.  But try to conceptualize the organic process of what makes us think, do, believe, grow gives me greater meaning to who or what is God and how it all relates to living your life.

Committing to a path or rooting ourselves in a belief is key to consistently feeding your spirit.  Its why you hear more and more people saying “follow your passion,” “live your dreams.”  They’re awakening to the idea that your spirit life is what leads you to a productive, full and joyful life.  But not having a spiritual base, in my opinion, can cause conflict in other areas of life.  I think this is when people decide to live their dreams through feeding their body, their intellect, and/or their desires. 

For us, we’ve decided that feeding our energy source is the where the balancing act begins.  When you get down to it, its not about what’s right or wrong according to what written text says.  It is about what is appropriate to keep equilibrium in yourself and what you want to reflect in your life.  When you make your spirit life top priority, then the order of external and internal health comes into play. 

If you’re looking for a place to begin your healing process, I want to suggest strengthening your spiritual life first.  Try some of these places for starters:

Approaching Spirit through the Soul, connect at

Approaching Spirit through the Mind, Try It On Everything

Approaching Spirit through the Body, hear a Taoist Secrets of Love

Then come back here to find how you want to exercise your spiritual growth.


  1. Lovely post - I totallly agree about sometimes getting too much of a good thing and it's great to relax and find more balance. Thanks for the links, I will take a look. I love Bruce Lipton and I'm a big follower of The Tapping Solution

  2. Hey! Thanks Joanne!! I'm really on this take time thing because I can tend to get caught up easily. Settling my mind is a challenge for me so tapping has become a big part of the process in my spiritual journey.

    Hope the links are helpful. I've found some really helpful ones on your site as well. Thank YOU!
