Last Thursday evening I left work, was picked up by my childhood friend and we went, once again to Smith Farm for a SoulCollage workshop. SoulCollage is a way to explore the many sides of you and connect with them. I'm not talking about having a dissociative identity disorder. We all have facets, or layers that we choose to show at various times during our lives. I am a very quiet person, sometimes very dark in fact, but when I leave my house, I've been told I smile all the day and I know I talk to every passerby. SoulCollaging is a creative way to getting touch with, understanding and strengthening your relationship with those sides of yourself; your soul.
So we sat around a table and Barbara Black, our facilitator, gently and joyfully guided us through this process of making cards that reflect or mirror our many selves. It was all fun and neat until we had to share with a partner what we just did. You see, entering into this process you aren't looking for anything specific. You are kinda just, letting your spirit guide you to whatever images speak to you. So you pick, cut, tear out of pictures from magazines. Once you've done so, lay them out and let your fingers take you through your pickings. After arranging them on a card using a frame to help you compose your image, glue the pictures down, smooth out air bubbles and rub away glue. But the part that hit me was the final step... identifying your soul.
My partner, Darien, and I went into the yoga room to share with eachother what we did. One person dictated what the other person had to say about their card. We had an exercise to help us with this exploration and sharing. Starting off with "I am the One who..." and this is where the deepening begins.
Giving your collage a voice transforms it into more than just art. I honestly related to my piece. Indeed, I understood what I had created. Where I had orginally started with no real direction, the words to my image I held in my hand came together succinctly. The best part was being able to articulate it and share that part of me. There was sort of relief in acknowledging that side of me and now I can call on that Dark Child to find courage in times when I'm feeling those "flight or fight" moments. Usually I take flight because I don't feel I'm equipped with what it takes to stand and fight for what I feel is important. I recognized that about myself from one card.
I've started a second collage and I'm looking forward to completing a whole deck. But for now....
I am the One who people see as flighty.
I am the One who goes with the wind.
But in my flightiness, I am the One who's focused and quiet and sometimes dark.
I like to be alone - I'm most creative when I'm alone... dark and alone. Rich with many ideas.
I give myself peace, serenity and the courage to face my darkness.
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