Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Awww, Mommy! Daddy’s Gonna Spank You!!!

Last week I was doing some searching toward deepening my spiritual journey through art.  I came across a website and knew it was what I wanted to dive into.  Laura Hollick’s Soul Art came out of nowhere and I was hooked into her visually exciting videos that used colors, paints, feathers and nature to inspire creativity. 

One video that inspired most was Class #3 Switching the Leadership lesson in Laura’s 8 Soul Art Secrets course.  It was all about using the negativity you get in your life as a tool to get clear and gather fuel to take you on your spiritual journey.  The assignment was to identify a body part that holds resistance and pain as well as a body part that you feel is beautiful and radiates your brilliance.  For me, those two parts would be my right hip and my hands.

15 years ago as I delivered my first child, I experienced this indescribable pain in my right leg.  As the years went on, the sharp pains would come and go depending on what type of exercise I did.  Then, during the last couple of months of pregnancy with my second child, I began to experience the discomfort of ligaments in my right side as well as losing functionality in my leg.  I couldn’t walk a block before agonizing pain took over.

Now I am into my third trimester with my third child and the pain is back with a vengeance.  Its in my groin and hip more so my leg this time.  It is, I suppose, part of being a veteran in baby making but it hurts.  So much so, that sometimes I cry.  People say “Walk it out.  You need the exercise.” But I trust my midwife who says “Be easy and sit when you need.  It won’t get better until after this baby is born.”  I believe her because I’ve tried to “walk it out.” 

But my hands…  My nails are long and strong due to the pregnancy.  My fingers are thin thanks to my mother’s piano hands.  And I just love working with my hands whether it be typing, cleaning, tickling, crafting, etc...  Lately, they’ve been the only thing I really like on my body thanks to baby-acne, baby-belly, and baby-big-butt-n-thighs. 

So back to the assignment.

Identify these two body parts, trace them so they are touching and then allow yourself to explore the unknown by creating something new from your body map.  Allow it to speak to you, give you insight and help define your dream.  Body Mapping is a powerful tool to see how life experience is stored in your body.  Musicians, dancers, artists use this technique to make the connection between their thoughts, emotions and physical experience.  I was ready to “see” but I didn’t have a piece of paper large enough to map my hip.  So what’s the next best thing you ask?

The wall.  The wall right next to where my four year old, a few months ago, drew a labyrinth of lines, letters and dots with green marker and black ink pen.  I didn’t think of it at the time as my creative spirit was moving rapidly and I went into a space I haven’t been in for a while.  I took out my acrylics and began transforming my hip and hands into a sturdy dark tree using my fingertips as brushes to paint the limbs and leaves.  I stepped back and breathed a long heavy sigh.  Something was released in me and I could complete my day with ease.

Well, my son came home and immediately peeked in my room only to see first, my tree of relief.  “Awwww, Mommy.  Daddy’s gonna spank you!”  And of course, when Daddy came home, the squealer took great delight in bringing Daddy’s attention to my soul piece.  My husband just looked at me and smiled.

I explained to my son that he and I could explore some art together on the wall and create beautiful work for our new arrival as this would be the wall the bassinet is destined to sit against.  The little boy seemed pleased that he too, will be able to add some more color and pictures next to the tree.  Whew!

For me, however, the tree seemed to be saying that I need to continue growing a solid foundation to root and embody my spirit here on Earth.  I get carried away in my head with imagination when things get rough.  But there will always be pain to work through.  My dream is to be support, wisdom, tradition, strength and protection for myself and my family in times of joy and pain… to be the tree.

 Thanks, Laura!

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