Sunday, June 12, 2011

C is for Cookie... And so many other good things.

Somehow I can’t believe that there are any heights that can’t be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true.  This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C’s.  They are curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence.  When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.

                                                                        -Walt Disney

Friday, I had an amazing day of discovering what it is to simply be human.   With our gadgets and tings, we find ourselves interacting with a screen more so than a face of flesh and blood.  The day gave way to more C words that, though, may not make dreams come true will give us small miracles to remind us of our humanity.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Awww, Mommy! Daddy’s Gonna Spank You!!!

Last week I was doing some searching toward deepening my spiritual journey through art.  I came across a website and knew it was what I wanted to dive into.  Laura Hollick’s Soul Art came out of nowhere and I was hooked into her visually exciting videos that used colors, paints, feathers and nature to inspire creativity. 

One video that inspired most was Class #3 Switching the Leadership lesson in Laura’s 8 Soul Art Secrets course.  It was all about using the negativity you get in your life as a tool to get clear and gather fuel to take you on your spiritual journey.  The assignment was to identify a body part that holds resistance and pain as well as a body part that you feel is beautiful and radiates your brilliance.  For me, those two parts would be my right hip and my hands.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Rolling Stone….

I took a little break and did some further exploration into the abyss of creative healing websites on the web.  What a web, indeed!  I’ve watched videos, read bios, taken classes, listened to seminars, clicked on, refreshed pages and Googled so many experts and techniques, its really quite ridiculous.    Exhausting is more like the word.  But I’ve found some sites worth visiting again and again for inspiration and guidance.  I’ll share them in future entries I post.  I’ve added a few new blogs to my list below as well. 

Before I took my “break,” I posted an entry about being rooted in a spiritual way because I was becoming aware of just how confusing this exploration process can be.  It is overwhelming if you don’t have something to root you while you’re searching.  Going out there into cyber space looking for purpose, depth, healing but not having a road map will most likely get you more lost and inundated.  No matter where you are in the process, going at it without much direction or foundation could lead to muddy, even turbulent waters.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Still Hungry?

Again, I found a video that is a nice follow up to the my last post.  So what's on the menu for today?


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Feed Your Spirit

I’ve been finding so many different people and different ways to explore healing, its blowing my mind!  I want to try it all... and then I get stuck.  Too much of a good thing, I’m thinking.  I mean, even too much laughing can kill you.  So I’ve had to slow down my search and retreat to my core to find balance and direction.  I believe there is something for everyone.  I want to represent it all here in this blog so that people can discover their options.  But how can I explore without losing myself?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Media Healing

Here's a wonderful talk on TED that I thought would be a great follow-up to Finding Your Power Without Your Voice.  I don't always give credit to computers and technology for their role in the healing process.  I mean, physically, technology plays a huge part in people getting well.  But as for spiritual and emotional healing, a computer is the last thing I would think could give that experience.  However, I think differently after hearing Roger Ebert speak about his experience.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Finding Your Power without Your Voice

This past December, the ladies at my church held a Quiet Day in preparation for Advent.  We all met at 9:00 in the morning for some bagels, fruit and coffee then headed over to the main church to start our quiet time.  From that point on, 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., we were to be absolutely silent.  I wasn’t sure what to expect but I just knew I wasn’t going to be able to be around a bunch of folks I liked and not share or comment.  I get a sense of security from hearing my own voice.